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Please note that, if you are surfing the web from the private side of a firewall (like, from work - don't worry - we won't tell!), then you may not be able to play RealAudio version 2.0 files. If playback fails (error 19), then try the RealAudio 3.0 or 4.0 files. These ones are better anyway, because they are in fabulous STEREO!
Three songs are available in RealAudio ISDN format. The sound quality of these is much better than the 28.8 RealAudio files however, since they require a higher connection speed for playback (over 40K baud), they are only recommended for those who have high bandwidth (e.g., 56K, T1, ISDN, cable modem, or Digital Satelite) connections to the Internet. Playback through a low bandwidth connection will result in breaks in the song while the buffers replenish.
Overall, RealAudio is pretty cool and will only get better as modems and other hardware get faster and cheaper.
Note: The ADPCM WAV files sound much better than the PCM WAV files because they use a higher sampling rate and bit rate compression, however, they may only be playable on Windows machines. PCM WAV files are playable on both Windows and Macintosh machines.
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