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Static 13's Debut CD *EYE WON'T FOOL I* is now playing on 650 stations. Click on underlined STATION IDs to visit their web sites. Last updated on 12/11/97 at 13.53.42 CALL STATIONS IN YOUR AREA TO REQUEST STATIC 13 STATION FREQUENCY AFFILIATION TOWN PHONE ROTATION ------- --------- ----------- ---- ----- -------- ** STATE/PROVINCE: Alaska ** KBBI 890 AM Non-Commercial Community S Homer (907)235-7721 Light KCHU 770 AM Non-Commercial Community S Valdez 907-835-4665 Medium KHNS 102.3/91. Local Public Radio Haines (907)766-2020 Recurrent KRUA 88.1FM University of Alaska Anchorage 907-786-1077 Recurrent KSUA 91.5 FM University of Alaska/Fairb Fairbanks 907-474-7054 Light ** STATE/PROVINCE: Alabama ** WEGL 91.1FM Auburn U Auburn (334)844-WEGL Light WLJS 91.9 FM Jacksonville State U. Jacksonville 205-782-5509 Recurrent WVUA 90.7FM U of Alabama Tuscaloosa 205-348-6461 Recurrent ** STATE/PROVINCE: Arkansas ** KHDX 93.1FM Hendrix College Conway 501-450-1339 Recurrent ** STATE/PROVINCE: Arizona ** KAMP ch65 U of Arizona Tuscon 602-621-5806 Light KASR 680 AM Arizona St. U Tempe 602-965-4163 Medium KJAG 1640 AM South Mountain H. S. Phoenix 602-271-2874 #26 KXCI~ 91.3 FM Community Radio Tucson Tucson 520-622-5924 Specialty ** STATE/PROVINCE: British Columbia ** CFUV 101.9 FM U. of Victoria Victoria (604)721-8702 Light CITR 101.9 FM U. of British Columbia Vancouver (604)822-3017 Medium CJSF 93.9 FM Simon Fraser U. Burnaby (604)291-3727 Light ** STATE/PROVINCE: California ** KALX 90.7FM U of California at Berkele Berkeley 510 642 KALX Recurrent KAZU 90.3FM Non-Commercial Community S Pacific Grove 408-375-7275 Recurrent KCEB 1560 AM Cerritos College Norwalk 310-860-2451 Medium KCIL 89.9 FM Lick-Wilmerding H.S. San Francisco 415-333-4021 Medium KCR 98.9 CaFM San Diego State U San Diego 619-594-698 Recurrent KCSB 91.9FM U of CA at Santa Barbara Santa Barbara 805-893-3757 Recurrent KCSC 95.5CaFM Cal. State U at Chico Chico 916-898-6228 Recurrent KCSF 90.0 CaFM City College of SF San Francisco 415-239-3444 Recurrent KCSS 91.9FM Cal. State U at Stanislaus Turlock 209-667-3900 Recurrent KDVS 90.3FM U of CA at Davis Davis 916-752-9903 Light KFJC 89.7 FM Foothill College Los Altos Hills 415 941 2500 Recurrent KFSR 90.7 FM Cal. State U. at Fresno Fresno 209-278-2598 Recurrent KGCR 540 AM Grossmont Community Colleg El Cajon 619-465-1700 Recurrent KGUR 101.7 CaF Cuesta College San Luis Obispo 805-546-3191 Recurrent KHSU 90.5FM Humboldt State U. Arcata 701-826-6086 Medium KJCC 104.1FM San Jose City College San Jose 408-298-2181 Medium KJRP 96.1FM San Bernardino Valley Coll San Bernardino 714-888-6511 Medium KLA 99.9CaFM/ U of CA at Los Angeles Los Angeles 310-825-9105 Recurrent KMBU 98.3 CaFM Pepperdyne U. Malibu 310-456-4132 Recurrent KMUD 91.1FM Non-Commercial Community S Redway 707-923-3911 Recurrent KNAB 830AM/90. Chapman U Orange 714-744-7020 Medium KPAC~ 530AM U of the Pacific Stockton 209-946-3048 Light KPFA~ 94.1 FM Non-Commercial Community S Berkeley 415 695 5740 Light KRFH 610 AM Humboldt State U. Arcata 707-826-3257 Medium KSBR 88.5 FM Saddleback College Mission Viejo 714-582-5727 Medium KSCR 104.7 CaF U of Southern CA Los Angeles 213-740-5727 Medium KSCU 103.3FM Santa Clara University Santa Clara 408 554 KSCU Recurrent KSDT 95.7CaFM U of CA at San Diego La Jolla 619-534-4225 Recurrent KSJS 90.5 FM San Jose State University San Jose 408-924-4548 Recurrent KSMC 88.9/89.5 St. Mary's College Moraga (510)376-5762 Light KSPB 91.9FM Robert Louis Stevenson Hig Pebble Beach 408-625-5078 Medium KSPC 88.7FM Pomona College Claremont 714-621-8157 Recurrent KSRH 88.1FM College of Marin Kentfield 415-457-5314 Light KSSB 106.3CaFM Cal. St. U at San Bernardi San Bernardino 714-880-5772 Medium KSSU 1580 AM Cal. State U. @ Sacramento Sacramento 916-278-5882 Light KSUH CaFM Cal St. U at Hayward Hayward 510-881-3588 Medium KSUN 91.1CaFM Sonoma St. U Rohnert Park (707) 664-2623 Recurrent KUCI 88.9FM U of CA at Irvine Irvine (714)856-6868 Recurrent KUCR 88.1FM U of CA at Riverside Riverside 714-787-3838 Medium KULV 550AM U of LaVerne LaVerne 714-596-1693 Recurrent KUSF 90.3 FM U of San Francisco San Francisco 415-386-5873 Recurrent KVCH 104.1 FM Valley Christian Schools San Jose (408)978-0831 Medium KXLU 88.9FM Loyola Maramount U Los Angeles 310-338-2866 Recurrent KZSC 88.1FM U of CA at Santa Cruz Santa Cruz 408-459-2811 Medium KZSU 90.1FM Stanford University Stanford 415-723-9010 Recurrent ** STATE/PROVINCE: Colorado ** KAFA 104.5FM US Air Force Academy Colorado Springs 719-472-5233 Medium KASF 90.9FM Adams State College Alamosa 719-589-7830 Recurrent KBUT 90.3FM Non-Commercial Community S Crested Butte 303-349-5225 Recurrent KCSU 90.5FM Colorado State U Fort Collins 303-491-7611 Medium KDNK 90.5FM Non-Commercial Community S Carbondale 303-963-0139 Recurrent KDUR 91.9FM Fort Lewis College Durango 303-247-7288 Light KEPC 89.7FM Pikes Peak Community Colle Colorado Springs 719-540-7489 Light KGNU 88.5FM Non-Commercial Community S Boulder 303-449-4885 Light KMSA 91.3FM Mesa College Grand Junction 303-248-1718 Medium KRCX 590AM Regis U Denver 303-458-4140 Light KRZA 88.7 FM "Relevant Radio" Alamosa (719) 589-905 Recurrent KSJD 91.5FM San Juan Basin Area Vo-Tec Mancos 303-565-8457 Medium KTSC 89.5FM U of Southern Colorado Pueblo 719-549-2822 Medium KUCB 530AM/104 U of Colorado Boulder 303-492-5031 Recurrent KWSB 91.1FM Western State College Gunnison 303-943-3033 Medium ** STATE/PROVINCE: Connecticut ** WCNI 91.1 FM Connecticut College New London (203)439-2853 Recurrent WECS 90.1 FM Eastern Connecticut State Willimantic (203)465-5354 Light WHUS 91.7 FM University of Connecticut Storrs (860)429-9487 Recurrent WNHU 88.7 FM U. New Haven Westhaven (203)934-8888 Medium WOWL 530 AM Southern CT State U. New Haven (203)392-5353 Heavy WPKN 89.5FM Non-Commercial Community S Bridgeport 203-576-4895 Light WQAQ 88.3 FM Quinnipiac College Hamden (203)288-5251 Light WRTC 89.3 FM Trinity College Hartford (860)297-2450 Recurrent WWUH 91.3 FM U. Hartford West Hartford (203)768-4725 Recurrent WXCI 91.7 FM Western CT State U. Danbury (203)792-8666 Light WYBC~ 94.3 FM Yale U. New Haven (203)432-4127 Light ** STATE/PROVINCE: District of Columbia ** WGTB 92.3 CaFM Georgetown University Washington (202)687-WGTB Light WRGW 540 AM George Washington U. Washington (202)994-7314 Recurrent WVAU 540AM American U. Washington 202-885-6162 Medium ** STATE/PROVINCE: Delaware ** WDTS 620 AM Delaware Technical Comm. C Georgetown (302)856-5400 Light WVUD 91.3 FM University of Delaware Newark (302)831-2701 Light ** STATE/PROVINCE: Florida ** WECX* 530 AM Eckerd College St. Petersburg 813-864-8419 Light WERU 710 AM Embry Riddle Aeronautical Daytona Beach (904)226-6272 Medium WFCF 88.5 FM Flagler College St. Augustine (904)829-6481 Recurrent WFIN 650 AM Jacksonville U. Jacksonville 904-744-3950 Recurrent WKCR CLC Miami Dade Community Colle Miami 305-237-2286 Light WKGC 1480AM Gulf Coast Community Colle Panama City 904-769-5242 Recurrent WMNF 88.5 FM Non-Commercial Community S Tampa 813-239-9663 Recurrent WNSU 96.7 CaFM Nova Southeastern U. Fort Lauderdale 305-475-7419 Light WOSP U. of North Florida Jacksonville (904)620-2908 Recurrent WOWL 1610 AM Florida Atlantic Universit Boca Raton (407)367-3751 Recurrent WPRK Rollins College Winter Park 407-646-2241 Recurrent WUFI 530 AM Florida International U. Miami 305-348-3071 Light WVFS 89.7FM Florida State U Tallahassee 904-644-1879 Recurrent WVUM 90.5FM U of Miami Coral Gables 305-284-3131 Light ** STATE/PROVINCE: Georgia ** WGHR 102.5FM Southern College of Techno Marietta 404-528-7354 Medium WGUR 88.9/91.9 University of GA Milledgeville Medium WMRE 530AM Emory U Atlanta 404-727-9672 Medium WOTA 530 AM DeKalb College Clarkston 404-299-4113 Medium WPLH 103.1 FM Abraham Baldwin College Tifton (912)386-7158 Medium WRAS 88.5FM Georgia State U Atlanta 404-651-2240 Recurrent WREK 91.1FM Georgia Institute of Techn Atlanta 404-894-2468 Recurrent WUOG 90.5FM U of Georgia Athens 706-542-8466 Recurrent WVGS 91.9FM Georgia Southern U Statesboro 912-681-5507 Medium WVVS 90.9FM Valdosta State College Valdosta 912-333-5661 Heavy ** STATE/PROVINCE: Hawaii ** KTUH 90.3FM U of Hawaii Honolulu 808-956-4848 Light ** STATE/PROVINCE: Iowa ** KALA 88.5FM St. Ambrose University Davenport 319-383-8907 Light KDIC 88.5FM Grinnell College Grinnell 515-269-3335 Light KDRK 105.5CaFM Drake University Des Moines 515-271-2766 Light KGRK~ 970AM University of Northern Iow Cedar Falls 319-273-6935 Light KICB 88.1fm Iowa Central Comm College ft. dodge 515-576-7201 Medium KIGC 88.7FM William Penn College Oskaloosa 515-673-1095 Medium KLCR 96.9CaFM Loras College Dubuque 319-588-7172 Medium KLIF 550AM Briarcliff College Sioux City 712-279-1624 Recurrent KRNL 89.7FM Cornell College Mt Vernon 319-895-4431 Recurrent KRUI 89.7FM University of Iowa Iowa City 319-335-9525 Medium KSTM 88.9 FM Simpson College Indianola 515-961-1536 Recurrent KUNI 90.9FM University of Northern Iow Cedar Falls 319-273-6400 Recurrent KURE 88.5 FM Iowa State University Ames (515)294-4332 Recurrent KWAR 89.1FM Wartburg College Waverly 319-352-8209 Light KWDM 88.7 FM W. Des Moines Comm. School Des Moines (515) 267-8870 Recurrent KWLC 1240AM Luther College Decorah 319-387-1571 Medium KZOW 91.9 FM Waldorf College Forest City Light ** STATE/PROVINCE: Idaho ** KUOI 89.3FM U of Idaho Moscow (208) 885-6392 Recurrent ** STATE/PROVINCE: Illinois ** WARG 88.9FM Argo High School Summit 708-458-9274 Light WAUG 570AM Augustana College Rock Island 309-794-7513 Recurrent WCLC CLC College of Lake County Grayslake 708-223-6601 Medium WCRX 88.1FM Columbia College Chicago 312-663-1693 Medium WDGC 88.3FM Downers Grove H.S. South Downers Grove 708-852-0632 Recurrent WEFT 90.1FM Champaign 217-359-9338 Recurrent WEIU 88.9FM Eastern Illinois U Charleston 217-581-6116 Recurrent WESN 88.1FM Illinois Wesleyan U Bloomington 309-556-2638 Medium WGBK 88.5 FM Glenbrook H. S. District Glenview Recurrent WHPK 88.5FM U of Chicago Chicago 312-702-8289 Light WIUS (IL) 88.3 FM Western Illinois Universit Macomb 309-298-3217 Medium WJMU 89.5FM Milikin U Decatur 217-424-6377 Medium WKDI 93.5CaFM Northern Illinois U DeKalb 815-753-1278 Light WLRA 88.1FM Lewis U Romeoville 815-838-0500 Medium WLTL 88.1FM Lyons Township High School LaGrange 708-482-9585 Recurrent WLUW 88.7 FM Loyola U. of Chicago Chicago 312-915-6558 Medium WMCR 640AM Monmouth College Monmouth 309-457-2155 Light WMXM 88.9 FM Lake Forest College Lake Forest 708-735-5220 Recurrent WNUR 89.3 FM Northwestern U. Evanston 708-491-7102 Medium WONC 89.1FM North Central College Naperville 708-420-3438 Recurrent WPRS 1440 AM Paris Recurrent WQUB 90.3FM Quincy College Quincy 217-228-5410 Light WRBU 90.3CaFM Bradley U Peoria 309-677-2231 Light WRDP 640 AM DePaul University Chicago 312-325-7342 Medium WRRG 88.9 FM Triton College River Grove 708-583-3110 Recurrent WRSE 88.7 FM Elmhurst College Elmhusrt 708-617-3220 Light WTPC 105.3FM Principia College Elsah 618-374-5034 Recurrent WUIC 89.5 FM University of Illinois Chicago (312) 355-WUIC Medium WVHS CC Wanbonshie H.S Aurora Light WVKC 90.7 FM Knox College Galesburg 309-343-0112 Light WXAV 88.3FM St. Xavier University Chicago 312-779-9858 Recurrent WZND 106.1CaFM Illinois State U Normal 309-438-5491 Light WZRD 88.3FM Northeastern Illinois U Chicago 312-794-2861 Light ** STATE/PROVINCE: Indiana ** WBKE 89.5FM Manchester College North Manchester 219-982-5272 Medium WCRD~ 540AM Ball State University Muncie 317-285-1467 #24 WEAX 88.3FM Tri-State U Angola 219-665-3314 Medium WECI 91.5FM Eartham College Richmond 317-962-3541 Medium WFCI 89.5FM Franklin College Franklin 317-738-8205 Recurrent WFHB 91.3 FM Non-Commercial Community S Bloomington 812-323-1200 Recurrent WGRE 91.5FM DePauw U Greencastle 317-658-4637 Recurrent WILY 90.1 CaFM Purdue U. West Lafayette 317-495-5845 Medium WISU 89.7FM Indiana State U Terre Haute 812-237-3248 Medium WIUS (IN) 1570 AM Indiana University Bloomington 812-855-6552 Medium WLAY 90.1CaFM Purdue U West Lafayette 317-494-2327 Medium WMHD 90.5FM Rose-Human Institute of Te Terre Haute 812-877-8350 Medium WPUM 90.5 FM St. Joseph's College Rennselaer 219-866-6211 Recurrent WSND 88.9FM Notre Dame University Notre Dame 219-631-7342 Light WVFI 640AM Notre Dame University Notre Dame 219-631-6888 Light ** STATE/PROVINCE: Kansas ** KBCU 88.1FM Bethel College North Newton 316-???-5228 Medium KJHK 90.7FM University of Kansas Lawrence 913-864-5483 Recurrent KSDB 91.9FM Kansas State University Manhattan 913-532-3292 Medium ** STATE/PROVINCE: Kentucky ** WLCV 570 AM University of Louisville Louisville 502-588-6966 Medium WRFL 91.7FM University of Kentucky Bowling Green 606-257-1557 Medium WWHR 91.7 FM Western Kentucky U. Bowling Green 502-745-5439 Medium ** STATE/PROVINCE: Louisiana ** KLPI 89.1FM Louisiana Tech University Ruston 318-257-4851 Recurrent KLSU 91.1FM Louisiana State University Baton Rouge 504-388-4620 Medium KNLU 91.1FM Northeast Louisiana Univer Monroe (318)342-5658 Recurrent KNSU 91.5FM Nicholls State University Thibodaux 504-448-4447 Medium KRVS 88.7FM University of Southwest Lo Lafayette 318-231-5668 Recurrent KSCL 91.3 FM Centenary College Shreveport 318-869-5296 Recurrent WTUL 91.5FM Tulane University New Orleans 504-865-5887 Recurrent ** STATE/PROVINCE: Massachusetts ** WAMH 89.3FM Amherst College Amherst 413-542-2224 Recurrent WBIM 91.5FM Bridgewater State College Bridgewater 508-697-1303 Recurrent WBRS 100.1 FM Brandeis U. Waltham (617)736-4759 Light WBTY 530 AM Bentley College Waltham (617)891-3473 Medium WCCH 103.5 FM Holyoke Comm. College Holyoke (413)538-7000 Medium WCCS 96.5 FM Wheaton College Norton (508)286-3819 Light WCFM 91.9 FM Williams College Williamstown 413-597-2197 Recurrent WCHC 88.1 FM Holy Cross College Worcester (508)793-2475 Recurrent WDJM 91.3 FM Framingham State College Framingham (508)626-4623 Medium WERS 88.9FM Emerson College Boston 617-578-8892 Recurrent WGAJ 91.7 FM Deerfield Academy Deerfield (413)773-8412 Medium WGAO 88.3 FM Dean College Franklin (508)528-4210 Medium WHRB~ 95.3 FM Harvard University Cambridge (617)495-4818 Recurrent WJJW 91.1 FM North Adams State College North Adams (413)662-5405 Recurrent WJUL 91.5 FM U. Mass Lowell (508)452-9073 Light WKKL 90.7 FM Cape Cod Community College West Barnstable (508)375-4030 Recurrent WMCI 88.3 FM Massassoit Community Colle Brockton (508)588-9100 Medium WMFO 91.5 FM Tuft's U. Medford (617)627-3800 Medium WMHC 91.5 FM Mt. Holyoke College South Hadley (413)538-2019 Light WMLN 91.5 FM Curry College Milton (617)333-0311 Recurrent WMUA 91.1 FM U. Mass Amherst Amherst (413)545-3691 Recurrent WMWM 91.7 FM Salem State College Salem (508)745-917 0 Recurrent WNBY 540 AM Newbury College Brookline (617)730-7062 Medium WNEK 105.1 FM Western New England Colleg Springfield (413)782-1586 Light WNMH 91.5 FM Northfield Mt. Hermon Scho Northfield (413)498-3603 Medium WOMR 91.9 FM Non-Commercial Community S Provincetown (508)487-2619 Recurrent WPAA 91.7 FM Philips Academy Andover (978)749-4384 Light WRBB 104.9 FM Northeastern U. Boston (617)373-2658 Recurrent WRSI 95.3 FM Commercial Station Greenfield (413)774-2321 Recurrent WSCW 640 AM Worcester State College Worcester (508)793-8512 Medium WSFR CLC Suffolk U. Boston 617-573-8324 Recurrent WSHL 91.3 FM Stonehill College North Easton 508-238-2612 Medium WSKB 89.5 FM Westfield State College Westfield 413-572-5427 Recurrent WSMR 530 AM St. Mark's School Southboro (508)485-0050 Recurrent WSMU 91.1 FM U. Mass Dartmouth No. Dartmouth (508)999-8149 Recurrent WTBU 89.3 FM Boston University Boston (617)353-6400 Light WTCC 90.7 FM Springfield Tech. Communit Springfield (413)736-2781 Recurrent WXPL 91.3FM Fitchburg State College Fitchburg 508-345-0276 Medium WZLY 91.5FM Wellesley College Wellesley 617-237-4433 Medium ** STATE/PROVINCE: Maryland ** WCCN 560 AM Catonsville Comm. College Catonsville (410)455-4358 Medium WFWM 91.7 FM Frostburg State College Frostburg (301)687-7096 Light WHSR 530 AM Johns Hopkins U. Baltimore (410)516-3884 Recurrent WKHS 90.5 FM U. of Penn Morton Recurrent WMAR 106.5 FM Baltimore Recurrent WMUC 88.1 FM U Maryland/College Park College Park (301)314-7868 Recurrent WROC 650AM Montgomery College Rockville 301-251-7178 Medium WSMC 830AM/91. St. Mary's College St. Mary's City 301-862-0214 Medium WSUR 107.5CaFM Salisbury State U Salisbury 410-543-6195 Light WTSR/WTMD 89 FM Towson State U. Towson (410)830-8937 Recurrent ** STATE/PROVINCE: Maine ** WMEB 91.9FM University of Maine Orono 207-581-4341 Medium WMHB 90.5 FM Colby College Waterville (207)872-3348 #27 WMPG 90.9 FM U. Southern Maine Portland (207)780-4909 Medium WRBC 91.5 FM Bates College Lewiston (207)777-7532 Recurrent WUMF 100.5FM University of Maine Farmington 207-778-7352 Light WUPI 92.1 FM U. Maine/Presque Isle Presque Isle (207)768-9400 Medium ** STATE/PROVINCE: Michigan ** CJAM 91.5FM University of Windsor Detroit 519-971-3606 Recurrent WAHS 89.5 FM Avondale High School Auburn Hills 810-852-3961 Light WAQU 550AM Aquinas College Grand Rapids 616-459-8281 Medium WBFH 88.1FM Andover High School Bloomfield Hills 313-647-8510 Recurrent WBLD 89.3 FM West Bloomfield H. S. Orchard Lake 810-851-8930 Recurrent WCAL 94.1CaFM Calvin College Grand Rapids 616-957-8546 Medium WCBN 88.3FM U of Michigan at Ann Arbor Ann Arbor 313-763-3501 Medium WCKS Grand Valley State U. Allendale 616-895-2356 Medium WDBM 88.9FM Michigan State U East Lansing 517-353-4414 Light WDET 101.9FM Wayne State University Detroit 313-577-4146 Medium WHFR 89.3FM Henry Ford College Dearborn 313-845-9676 Medium WIDR 89.1FM Western Michigan U Kalamazoo 616-387-6301 Recurrent WJMD 650AM Kalamazoo College Kalamazoo 616-337-7218 Medium WLSO 90.1 FM Lake Superior State Univer Sault Suite Marie 906-635-2107 Light WMHW 91.5FM Central Michigan State U Mt. Pleasant 517-774-7287 Medium WMTU 1600AM CC Michigan Tech Houghton 906-487-1600 Medium WNMC 90.9FM Northwest Michigan College Traverse City 616-922-1091 Medium WORB 90.3FM Oakland Community College Farmington Hills 313-471-7718 Medium WOVI 89.5FM Novi High School Novi 313-344-8300 Recurrent WPHS 89.1FM Cousino Senior High School Warren 313-574-3137 Medium WQAC 90.9 FM Alma College Alma 517-463-7095 Recurrent WQBR 640AM Eastern Michigan Universit Ypsilanti 313-487-2228 Medium WSDP 88.1 FM Plymouth-Salem High School Canton 313-416-7732 Medium WSGR 91.3FM St. Clair County Community Port Huron 313-989-5564 Recurrent WTHS 89.9FM Hope College Holland 616-394-7878 Recurrent WUMD Ch 15/21 U of Michigan at Dearborn Dearborn 313-593-5167 Medium WUPX 91.5 FM Northern Michigan Universi Marquette 906-227-1844 Light WVAC 17.9FM Adrian College Adrian 517-265-5161 Medium WXOU 88.3 FM Oakland University Rochester 810-370-4273 Medium ** STATE/PROVINCE: Minnesota ** KBSB 89.7 FM Bemidji State U. Bemidji (218)755-2059 Recurrent KGSM Rochester (507)933-8783 Medium KJNB 99.9 CaFM St. John's University Collegeville 612-363-3380 Light KMSC 650AM Moorhead State University Moorhead 218-236-2116 Light KMSU 89.7FM Mankato State University Mankato 507-389-5678 Medium KORD 730AM Concordia College Moorhead 218-299-3028 Medium KQAL 89.5 FM Winona State U. Winona 507-457-5226 Medium KRLX 88.1 FM Carleton College Northfield 507-663-4102 Medium KRNR 88.5 CaFM Mankato State University Mankato 507-389-5793 Medium KSMR 92.5 FM St. Marys University Winona (507) 457-1615 Medium KSTO 590AM St. Olaf College Northfield 507-646-3603 Light KUMD 103.3 FM U. of Minnesota / Duluth Duluth 218-726-7181 Recurrent KUOM 770AM University of Minnesota/Mi Minneapolis 612-625-3500 Light WMCN 91.7FM Macalester College St. Paul 612-696-6082 Light ** STATE/PROVINCE: Missouri ** KCFV 89.5 FM St. Louis Comm. College St. Louis 314-595-4478 Recurrent KCOU 88.1FM University of Missouri Columbia 314-882-7820 Recurrent KCUR 89.3 FM U. of Missouri at K.C. Kansas City Light KDHX 88.1FM St. Louis Community Radio St. Louis 314-664-3955 Light KDLX 106.7CaFM Northwest Missouri State U Maryville 816-562-1163 Recurrent KGLX 660 AM Webster University St. Louis Light KKFI 90.1 FM Non-Commercial Community S Kansas City Medium KMNR 89.7FM University of Missouri Rolla 573-341-4272 Medium KNEU 102.1CaFM Northeast Missouri State U Kirkville 816-785-4506 Recurrent KSLU 530 AM St. Louis University St. Louis 314-977-1578 Recurrent KWUR 90.3 FM Washington U. St. Louis 314-935-5952 Recurrent KWWC 90.5FM Stephens College Columbia 314-876-7272 Recurrent KYMC 89.7FM Maryville College St. Louis 314-434-4687 Recurrent WEBU 314-968-7162 Recurrent ** STATE/PROVINCE: Mississippi ** WMSV 91.1 FM Mississippi State U. Mississippi State 601-325-8034 Light WMUW 88.5FM Mississippi University for Columbus 601-327-3864 #18 WUMS~ 92.1FM U of Mississippi University 601-232-5395 Recurrent WUSM 88.5 FM Univeristy of So. Mississi Hattiesburg 601-266-4287 Light ** STATE/PROVINCE: Montana ** KBGA 89.9 FM U. of Montana Missoula (406)243-6226 Light KGLT 91.9FM Montana State University Bozeman 406-994-6483 Recurrent KGPR 89.9 FM Montana Public Radio Great Falls (406)761-829 Recurrent KMSM 91.5 FM Montana Tech Butte 406-496-4391 Light ** STATE/PROVINCE: New Brunswick ** CHMA 106.9 FM Mount Allison U. Sackville (506)364-2221 Light CHMR 93.5 FM Memorial U. St. John's (709)737-4777 Medium CHSR 97.9 FM U. of New Brunswick Fredericton (506)453-4985 Light ** STATE/PROVINCE: North Carolina ** WALT Charlotte 704-896-6210 Recurrent WASU 90.5FM Appalachian State Universi Boone 704-262-3170 Recurrent WKNC 88.1FM North Carolina State Unive Raleigh 919-515-2401 Recurrent WLOZ 90.9CaFM University of North Caroli Wilmington 919-395-3086 Light WQFS 90.9 FM Guilford College Greensboro (910)316-2352 Medium WVMH 90.5 FM Mars Hill College Mars Hill 704-689-1259 Light WXRC~ 95.7 FM Commercial Station Hickory (704)322-1713 Specialty WZMB 91.3FM East Carolina University Greenville 919-757-4751 Recurrent ** STATE/PROVINCE: North Dakota ** KDSU 91.9 FM North Dakota State U. Fargo (701) 231-83 Recurrent KFJY 90.7FM University of North Dakota Grand Forks 701-777-4596 Recurrent ** STATE/PROVINCE: Nebraska ** KFKX 640 AM Hastings College Hastings 402-461-7460 Medium KLPR FM U. of Nebraska @ Kearney Kearney Light KRNU 90.3FM University of Nebraska Lincoln 402-472-3054 Recurrent KWSC 91.9FM Wayne State College Wayne 402-375-7561 Medium ** STATE/PROVINCE: New Hampshire ** WDCR (NH) 1340 AM Dartmouth College Hanover (603)643-1340 Recurrent WFPR Franklin Pierce College Rindge Recurrent WKNH 91.3FM Keene State College Keene 603-358-2420 Recurrent WNEC 91.7 FM New England College Henniker (603)428-2278 Heavy WPCR 91.7 FM Plymouth State College Plymouth (603)536-1760 Medium WSCS 90.9 FM Colby-Sawyer College New London 603-526-3493 Light ** STATE/PROVINCE: New Jersey ** WBZC~ 88.9 FM Burlington County Comm. C. Pemberton (609)894-9311 Light WCCM 820AM County College of Marin Randolph 201-328-5215 Recurrent WCCR Rutgers U. Camden 609-225-6168 Light WCPE 530 AM Union County College Cranford (908)709-7464 Light WCPR 740 AM Stevens Institute of Techn Hoboken (201)216-3483 Medium WCVH 90.5 FM Hunterdon Central Regional Flemington (908)782-9595 Recurrent WDBK 91.5 FM Camden County College Blackwood (609)227-7200 Light WFDM 1460 AM Fairleigh Dickinson U. Madison (201)593-8585 Recurrent WFMU~ 91.1 FM Upsala College E. Orange (201)678-7743 Recurrent WGKR 540 AM Jersey City State College Jersey City (201)200-3556 Light WGLS 89.7 FM Rowan College of NJ Glassboro (609)863-9457 Medium WJSV 90.5 FM Morristown High School Morristown (201)292-2168 #1 WJTB 550 AM NJIT Newark (201)596-3666 Medium WLFR 91.7 FM Stockton State College Pomona (609)652-4780 Medium WMCX 88.9 FM Monmouth U. West Long Branch (908)571-4476 Light WMNJ 88.9 FM Drew University Madison (201)408-4753 Medium WMSC 101.5 FM Montclair State U. Upper Montclair (201)655-7466 Medium WNTI 91.9 FM Centenary College Hackettstown (908)852-4545 Light WOCC (NJ) 90.5 CaFM Ocean County College Toms River (908)255-0429 Recurrent WRLC 1110AM Livingston College Piscataway 908-932-4105 Recurrent WRNU 610 AM Rutger's University Newark (201)648-5187 Recurrent WRPR 90.3 FM Ramapo State College Mahwah (201)825-7449 Light WRRC 107.7 FM Rider U. Lawrenceville (609)896-5369 Recurrent WSOU 89.5 FM Seton Hall U. South Orange (201)761-9768 Recurrent WTSR 91.3 FM Trenton State College Trenton (609)771-2420 Recurrent ** STATE/PROVINCE: New Mexico ** KRUX 91.5 FM New Mexico State U. Las Cruces 505-646-4640 Heavy KTEK 88.7CaFM New Mexico Institute of Mi Soccoro 505-835-5265 Light KZIA 660 & 161 Eastern N. M. University Portales (505)562-BEST Medium ** STATE/PROVINCE: Nova Scotia ** CFXU St. Francis Xavier U. Antigonish Light CKDU 97.5 FM Dalhousie U. Halifax (902)494-6479 Recurrent ** STATE/PROVINCE: Nevada ** KUNV 91.5FM University of Nevada at La Las Vegas 702-739-3877 Light ** STATE/PROVINCE: New York ** 106VIC 105.9 CaF Ithaca College Ithaca (607)274-1059 Recurrent KLSU Canton Recurrent WAIH 90.3 FM SUNY/Potsdam Potsdam (315)267-4888 Light WALF 89.7FM Alfred University Alfred 607-871-2287 Light WARY 88.1FM Westchester Community Coll Valhalla 914-285-6752 Recurrent WBAB~ 102.3 FM Commercial Station West Babylon (516)587-1023 Specialty WBAR 87.9 FM Barnard College New York (212)854-4773 Light WBCR 590 AM Brooklyn College Brooklyn (718)859-6314 Recurrent WBMB 590 AM Baruch College New York (212)802-2000 Recurrent WBSU 89.1 FM SUNY/Brockport Brockport (716)395-2580 Recurrent WCDB 90.9 FM SUNY/Albany Albany (518)442-4242 Recurrent WCOT 1590 AM SUNY Institute of Technolo Utica (315)792-7223 Recurrent WCVF 88.9 FM SUNY/Fredonia Fredonia (716)673-3428 Recurrent WCVM 98.7 CaFM SUNY/Morrisville Morrisville (315)684-6358 #27 WCWP 88.1 FM Long Island U./C.W. Post Brookville (516)299-2626 Recurrent WDCC 100.1CaFM Duchess Community College Poughkeepsie 914-471-4500 Light WDST~ 100.1 FM Commercial Station Woodstock (914)679-7266 Specialty WDWN 88.9 FM Cayuga Comm. College Auburn (315)255-1743 Medium WEOS 89.7 FM Hobart C./William Smith C. Geneva (315)781-3897 Recurrent WERW 750 AM Syracuse U. Syracuse (315)443-1165 Light WEXR CaTV Ch. Monroe-Woodbury H.S. Central Valley (914)928-2321 Medium WFCX 1130 AM/9 St. John Fischer College Rochester (716)385-8174 Light WFIT 530 AM Fashion Insitute of Techno New York (212)760-7876 Recurrent WFNP 88.7 FM SUNY/New Paltz New Paltz (914)257-3041 Light WGCC 90.7 FM Geneseo College Geneseo (716)343-9422 Medium WGSU 89.3 FM SUNY/Geneseo Geneseo (716)245-5486 Light WHLC 590 AM Lehman College Bronx (718)960-8953 Recurrent WHRW 90.5 FM SUNY/Binghamton Binghamton (607)777-2139 Light WHSE 640 AM Smithstown High School Smithtown (516)862-1534 Light WICB 91.7 FM Ithaca College Ithaca (607)274-3217 Recurrent WICR 530 AM Iona College New Rochelle (914)633-2369 Medium WIRE 800 AM Dowling College Oakdale (516)244-3027 Medium WIRQ 94.3 FM Irondequit High School Rochester (716)336-3066 Light WITR 89.7 FM Rochester Institute of Tec Rochester (716)475-2000 Medium WKDT 89.3 FM US Military Academy West Point (914)938-4567 Recurrent WKWZ 88.5 FM Syosset High School Syosset (516)364-5745 Recurrent WLIR~ 92.7 FM Commercial Station Garden City (516) 955-092 Specialty WMCC ? Monroe Community College Rochester (716)292-2541 Recurrent WMCR 90.1FM Marist College Poughkeepsie 914-575-3132 Recurrent WMVL 1620 AM Manhattanville College Purchase Medium WNCB CLC Niagara County Community Sanborn 716-731-3271 Light WNYK 88.7 FM Nyack College Nyack (914)358-1718 Medium WNYO 88.9 FM SUNY/Oswego Oswego (315)341-2101 Recurrent WNYT 550 AM New York Institute of Tech Old Westbury (516)686-7577 Recurrent WOCC (NY) 530 AM Onondaga Community College Syracuse (914)341-4095 Medium WONY 90.9 FM SUNY/Oneonta Oneonta (607)436-2712 Recurrent WPBX 88.3 FM L.I. University Southampton (516)283-8555 Recurrent WPLT 93.9 FM SUNY/Plattsburgh Plattsburgh (518)564-3694 Light WPMX Onondaga Comm. College Syracuse (315)469-7741 Light WPNR 90.7 FM Utica College Utica (315)792-3069 Recurrent WPOB 88.5 FM Plainview/Old Bethpage Cnt Plainview (516)937-6375 Recurrent WPSA 98.3 FM Paul Smith's College Radio Paul Smith's 518-327-6876 Light WPUB* 640 AM PaceU. New York (212)346-1270 Light WPUR 590 AM SUNY/Purchase Purchase (914)251-6974 Recurrent WQCC 91.9 FM Queensborough Community Co Bayside (718)229-0396 Light WRCM 850 AM Manhattan College Riverdale (718)862-8000 Light WRCN~ 103.9 FM Commercial Station Melville (516)423-6740 Specialty WRCU 90.1FM Colgate University Hamilton 315-824-1212 Recurrent WRHO 89.7 FM Hartwick College Oneonta (617)431-4555 Recurrent WRPI 91.5FM Rennsellaer Polytechnic In Troy (518) 276-6248 Light WRPW 630 AM Pace University Pleasantville (914)773-3703 Recurrent WRUB 770 AM SUNY/Buffalo Amherst (716)645-3370 Recurrent WRUR 88.5 FM University of Rochester Rochester (716)275-6400 Recurrent WSBU 88.3 FM St. Bonaventure U. St. Bonaventure (716)375-2306 Medium WSIA 88.9 FM College of Staten Island Staten Island (718)982-3060 Recurrent WSJU 640 AM St. Johns University Jamaica (718)990-6563 Medium WSPN 91.1 FM Skidmore College Saratoga Springs (518)584-7378 Medium WSUC 90.5 FM SUNY/Cortland Cortland (607)753-2936 Light WSVA 590 AM School of Visual Arts New York (212)592-2346 Medium WTSC 91.1FM Clarkson University Potsdam 315-268-7658 Medium WUSB 90.1 FM SUNY/Stony Brook Stony Brook (516)632-6901 Recurrent WVHC 91.5 FM Herkimer County Community Herkimer (315)866-0300 Light WYUR* 640 AM Yeshiva University New York (212)923-2471 Medium ** STATE/PROVINCE: Ohio ** ACRN 99.3FM Ohio University Athens 614-593-4910 Recurrent KBUX 91.1FM/Ch Ohio State University Columbus 614 688 4287 Light WBGU 88.1FM Bowling Green State Univer Bowling Green 419-372-2826 Medium WCBE 90.5FM Columbus Public Schools Columbus 614-365-5555 Light WCSB 89.3FM Cleveland State University Cleveland 216-687-3523 Medium WDCR 1550 AM University of Dayton Dayton 513-229-3058 Recurrent WDPS 89.5FM Dayton Public Schools Dayton 513-223-0906 Recurrent WDUB 91.1FM Denison University Granville 614-587-3008 Recurrent WFAL 680AM Bowling Green State Univer Bowling Green 419-372-2418 Recurrent WHEI 88.9FM Heidelberg College Tiffin 419-448-2283 Light WKCO 91.9FM Kenyon College Gambier 614-427-5412 Recurrent WLHD 1007. CaF Ohio University Athens 614-597-9759 Medium WMCO 90.7FM Muskingum College New Concord 614-826-8379 Medium WMSR 540AM Miami University Oxford 513-529-1269 Recurrent WOBC 91.5FM Oberlin College Oberlin 216-775-8107 Medium WOBN 101.5 FM Otterbein College Westerville (614)823-1557 Recurrent WONB 94.9 FM Ohio Northern University Ada 419-772-1194 Recurrent WOUB 1340 AM Ohio University Athens 614-593-4945 Recurrent WRDL 88.9 FM Ashland University Ashland 419-289-5139 Light WRUW 91.1FM Case Western Reserve Unive Cleveland 216-368-2207 Recurrent WTLS Ch. 4 Lakeland Comm. College Kirtland (216)953-7053 Medium WUJC 88.7FM John Carroll University University Heights 216-397-4437 Recurrent WUSO 89.1 FM Whittenberg U. Springfield 513-327-7026 Recurrent WVXU 91.7FM Xavier University Cincinnati 513-731-9898 Recurrent WWSU 106.9FM Wright State University Dayton 513-873-2000 Medium WXUT 88.3FM University of Toledo Toledo 419-537-4172 Light WYSO 91.3FM Antioch College Yellow Springs 513-767-5420 Recurrent ** STATE/PROVINCE: Oklahoma ** KSPI~ 93.7 FM Commercial Station Stillwater (405)372-7800 Recurrent KSSU 91.9 FM Southeastern OK State Durant (405)924-0138 Medium KWBY Oklahoma State U. Stillwater 405-744-8206 Light ** STATE/PROVINCE: Ontario ** CIDR~ 93.9 FM Commercial Station "The Ri Windsor (519)258-8888 Medium CFBU 103.7 FM Brock U. St. Catherine's (905)688-5550 Light CFMU 93.3 FM McMaster U. Hamilton (905)525-4140 Medium CFRC 101.9 FM Queens University Kingston (613)545-2121 Light CFRE 91.9 FM U. of Toronto/Erindale Col Mississauga (905)828-5310 Medium CFRU 93.3 FM University of Guelph Guelph (519)824-4120 Medium CHRY 105.5 FM York University North York (416)736-5293 Medium CHUO 89.1 FM University of Ottawa Ottawa (613)562-5965 Medium CIUT 89.5 FM U. of Toronto Toronto (416)595-5063 Recurrent CKCU 93.1 FM Carleton U. Ottowa (613)788-2898 Light CORS n/a Sheridan College Oakville (905)845-9430 Recurrent CSCR 90.3 FM U. of Toronto/Scarborough Scarborough (416)287-7051 Medium ** STATE/PROVINCE: Oregon ** KBOO 90.7FM Non-Commercial Community S Portland 503-231-8032 Recurrent KBVR 88.7FM Oregon State University Corvallis 503-737-3640 Recurrent KDOX CC Mt. Hood Community College Gresham Light KDUP 860AM University of Portland Portland 503-283-7284 Light KEOL 91.7FM Eastern Oregon State Colle La Grande 503-962-3397 Medium KLC 104.1CaFM Lewis and Clark College Portland 503-768-7133 Light KPSU 1450 AM Portland State U. Portland (503)725-5669 Recurrent KPUR 94.5FM Pacific University Forest Grove 501-359-2200 Recurrent KRRC 104.1FM Reed College Portland 503-771-2180 Medium KSLC 90.3FM Linfield College McMinnville 503-472-3851 Recurrent KTEC 89.5FM Oregon Institute of Techno Klamath Falls 503-885-1840 Medium KWVA 88.1CaFM University of Oregon Eugene 503-346-4091 Light ** STATE/PROVINCE: Pennsylvania ** WARC 90.3FM Allegheny College Meadville 814-332-3376 Light WAVT~ 101.9 FM Commercial Station "T102" Pottsville (717) 622-2400 Specialty WBUQ 91.1 FM Bloomsburg U. Bloomsburg (717)389-4686 Recurrent WBVR ? Beaver College Glenside (215)572-2900 Medium WCCB 640 AM Clarion State U. Clarion (814)226-2717 Recurrent WCLH 90.7 FM Wilkes U. Wilkes-Barre (717)831-5907 Recurrent WCUR 680 AM West Chester U. West Chester (610)436-2414 Medium WCYJ 88.7 FM Waynesburg College Waynesburg Recurrent WDCR (PA) 640 AM Delaware County Community Media (215)359-5358 Light WDCV 88.3 FM Dickinson College Carlisle 717-245-1661 Light WDNR 89.5 F Widener University Chester 215-499-4439 Light WDSR 97.7 CaFM Duquesne U. Pittsburgh (412)396-5085 Recurrent WEHR 93.7 FM Penn State U. University Park (814)863-0072 Recurrent WERG 89.9 FM Gannon University Erie (814)459-9374 Recurrent WESS 90.3 FM East Stroudsburg U. East Stroudsburg (717)422-3133 Medium WFNM 89.1 FM Franklin and Marshal Lancaster (717)291-4096 Light WFSE 88.9 W Edinboro U. Edinboro (814)732-2526 Recurrent WGLU~ 92.1 FM Commercial Station (Power9 Johnstown (814)269-9200 Specialty WHHS 107.9FM Haverford High School Havertown 610-446-7111 Recurrent WIUP 90.1 FM Indiana U. of Pennsylvania Indiana (412)357-5652 Light WIXQ 91.7 FM Millersville U. Millersville (717)872-3518 Medium WJRH 104.9 FM Lafayette College Easton (610)250-5318 Heavy WKDU 91.7 FM Drexel U. Philadelphia (215)895-5917 Recurrent WKPS 90.7 FM Penn State U. University Park (814)865-9577 Recurrent WKRC 100.9 FM Kiski School Saltsburg (412)639-3586 Light WKVR 92.3FM Juniata College Huntingdon 814-643-5031 Medium WLHU 90.3 CaFM Lock Haven University Lock Haven (717)893-2212 #30 WLIU 88.7 FM Lincoln University Lincoln University Light WLVR 91.3 FM Lehigh University Bethlehem (610)758-3913 Recurrent WMCE 88.5 FM Mercyhurst College Erie (814)824-2261 Recurrent WMSS 91.1 FM Middletown Area H. S. Middletown 717-948-9136 Recurrent WMUH 91.7 FM Muhlenberg Allentown (610)821-3456 Recurrent WMVB 890 AM Art Institute of Pittsburg Pittsburgh (412)263-6600 Medium WNTE 89.5FM Mansfield University Mansfield 717-662-4650 Medium WPPJ 670 AM Point Park College Pittsburgh (412)392-4725 Medium WPSH 630 AM Penn State U./Harrisburg Middletown (717)948-6396 Light WPTC 88.1 FM Williamsport Light WPTS 92.1 FM U. Pittsburgh Pittsburgh (412)648-7989 Recurrent WQHS 730 AM U. of Penn. Philadelphia (215)898-6795 Recurrent WQSU 88.9 FM Susquehanna U. Selinsgrove (717)372-4100 Recurrent WRCT 88.3 FM Carnegie-Mellon U. Pittsburgh (412)621-0728 Light WRFT 540AM Temple University/Ambler C Ambler 215-283-1278 Recurrent WRKC 88.5 FM King's College Wilkes-Barre (717)826-5821 Medium WRKU 640 AM Kutztown U. Kutztown (610)683-4059 Medium WRSK 88.1 FM Slippery Rock U. Slippery Rock (412)738-2947 Medium WSCR 610 AM Community College of Alleg West Mifflin (412)466-4994 Light WSFX 89.1FM Luzerne County Community C Nanticoke 717-821-0933 Medium WSJR 530AM St. Joseph's University Philadelphia 215-660-1082 Light WSRN 91.5 FM Swarthmore College Swarthmore (610)328-8335 Light WSYC 88.7 FM Shippensburg U. Shippensburg (717)532-6006 Recurrent WTYL CC Bucks County Comm. College Newtown (215)968-8380 Medium WUPJ* 530 AM U. Pittsburgh/Johnstown Johnstown (814)269-7000 Light WUSR 99.5 FM U. Scranton Scranton (717)941-9877 Medium WVBU 90.5FM Bucknell University Lewisburg (717)524-3489 Medium WVCS 91.9FM California U. of PA California 412-938-4330 Medium WVMW 91.5 FM Marywood College Scranton (717)348-6202 Recurrent WVYC 88.1FM York College York 717-845-7413 Medium WWAS 88.1FM Pennsylvania College of Te Williamsport 717-327-4778 Recurrent WWEC 88.3 FM Elizabethtown College Elizabethtown (717)361-1272 Recurrent WXAC 91.3 FM Albright College Reading (610)921-7545 Light WXLV 90.3 FM Lehigh Carbon Community Co Schnecksville (610)799-1145 Recurrent WXVU 89.1 FM Villanova University Villanova 610-519-7200 Light WYBF 89.1FM Cabrini College Radnor 215-971-8457 Recurrent WZBT 91.1FM Gettysburg College Gettysburg 717-337-6315 Recurrent ** STATE/PROVINCE: Quebec ** CIBL~ 101.5 FM Commercial Station Montreal (514)526-2581 Medium CISM 89.3 FM U. of Montreal Montreal (514)353-7511 Recurrent CIXS CC Dawson College Montreal 514-931-8731 Light CKUT 90.3 FM McGill U. Montreal (514)398-6787 Recurrent CRSG Concordia U. Montreal (514)848-7401 Light ** STATE/PROVINCE: Rhode Island ** WBRU 95.5 FM Brown U. Providence 401-272-9555 Recurrent WDOM 91.3 FM Providence College Providence 401-865-2460 Medium WJMF 88.7 FM Bryant College Smithfield (401)232-6044 Recurrent ** STATE/PROVINCE: Saskatchewan ** CFCR 90.5 FM Non-Commercial Community S Saskatoon (306)664-6678 Medium ** STATE/PROVINCE: South Carolina ** WPLS 96.5FM Furman University Greenville 803-294-3045 Medium WSBF 88.1FM Clemson University Clemson (864) 656-WSBF Light WUSC 90.5FM University of South Caroli Columbia 803-777-5124 Recurrent ** STATE/PROVINCE: South Dakota ** KAOR 91.1FM University of SouthDakota Vermillion 605-677-5049 Medium KAUR 89.1FM Augustana College Sioux Falls 605-336-5463 Recurrent KBHU 89.1FM Black Hill State Universit Spearfish 605-642-6737 Medium KTEQ 91.3 FM S. D. School of Mines and Rapid City (605)394-2233 Recurrent ** STATE/PROVINCE: Tennessee ** WAWL 91.5FM Chattanooga State Tech. Co Chattanooga 615-697-4405 Medium WFHC 91.5 FM Freede-Hardeman U. Henderson (901)989-6691 Recurrent WMTS 88.3 FM Middle TN State U Murfreesboro 615-898-5051 Recurrent WTTU 88.5FM Tennessee Tech Cookeville 615-372-3169 Medium WUTK 90.3FM University of Tennessee Knoxville 615-974-6897 Recurrent WUTS 91.3FM University of the South Sewanee 615-598-1206 Recurrent ** STATE/PROVINCE: Texas ** KANM 99.9CaFM Texas A&M University College Station 409-???-5923 Recurrent KDGE~ 94.5 FM Commercial Station "The Ed Dallas (214)787-1945 Specialty KNON~ 89.3FM Community Radio Dallas (214)823-8930 Medium KOOP 91.7 FM Non-Commercial Comm. Stati Austin 512-472-1369 Recurrent KPNI 640 AM Southern Methodist U. Dallas 214-768-5769 Medium KSAU 90.1FM Stephen F Austin Universit Nacogdoches 409-568-1124 Recurrent KSYM 90.1FM San Antonio College San Antonio 512-733-2787 Recurrent KTCU 88.7FM Texas Christian University Fort Worth 817-921-7631 Recurrent KTRU 91.7FM Rice University Houston (713)527-4050 Recurrent KTSW 89.9FM Southwest Texas State U. San Marcos 512-245-3485 Recurrent KTXT 88.1 FM Texas Tech U. Lubbock 806-742-3916 Medium KWBU 107.1FM Baylor University Waco 817-755-1511 Recurrent KWTS 91.1FM Western Texas State Univer Canyon 806-656-2020 Recurrent ** STATE/PROVINCE: Utah ** KOHS 91.7 FM Alpine School District Orem 801-224-9236 Recurrent KRCL 90.9FM Non-Commercial Community S Salt Lake City (801) 359-9191 Recurrent KSUU 91.1 FM Southern Utah U. Cedar City (801)586-7975 Recurrent KUTE 600 AM U. of Utah Salt Lake City 801-581-7981 Medium KZMU 89.7 FM Moab 801-259-4897 Light ** STATE/PROVINCE: Virginia ** WCWM 90.7FM College of William and Mar Williamsburg 804-221-3287 Recurrent WDCE 90.1FM University of Richmond Richmond 804-289-8698 Light WEBR 94.5 CaFM Fairfax Public Radio Fairfax 703-573-1090 Recurrent WGMU 560AM CC/ George Mason University Fairfax 703-993-2935 Light WLCX 600AM Longwood College Farmville 804-392-1671 Medium WLUR 91.5 FM Washington and Lee U. Lexington 703-463-8443 Medium WMWC 540AM Mary Washington College Fredericksburg 703-899-4035 Medium WNRN 91.9 FM Public Radio Charlottesville (804) 979-0919 Recurrent WODU 640AM Old Dominion University Norfolk 804-683-3441 Medium WTJU 91.1 FM University of Virginia Charlottesville 804-924-3418 Recurrent WUVT 90.7 FM Virginia Polytechnic Insti Blacksburg 703-231-9881 Light WVAW 640AM Virginia Wesleyan College Norfolk 804-455-3296 Light WVRU 89.9FM Radford University Radford 703-831-5171 Recurrent WXJM 88.7FM James Madison University Harrisonburg (540) 568-3425 Recurrent ** STATE/PROVINCE: Vermont ** WEBK~ 105.3 FM Commercial Station Killington (802)422-3156 Recurrent WGDR 91.1 FM Goddard College Plainfield (802)454-7762 Recurrent WJSC 90.7 FM Johnson State College Johnson (802)635-2356 Recurrent WRMC 91.1 FM Middlebury College Middlebury (802)443-6323 Recurrent WRUV 90.1 FM University of Vermont Burlington (802)656-4399 Recurrent WWLR 91.5 FM Lyndon State College Lyndonville (802)626-5881 Recurrent WWPV 88.7 FM St. Michael's College Colchester Light ** STATE/PROVINCE: Washington ** KASB 89.3FM Bellevue High School Bellevue 206-455-6154 Medium KCAT 91.1 CaFM Central Washington U. Ellensburg 509-963-2283 Recurrent KGRG 89.9FM Green River Community Coll Auburn 206-833-9111 Recurrent KMTT~ 103.7 FM Commercial Station Tacoma Specialty KSVR 90.1FM Skagit Valley College Mt. Vernon 206-428-1296 Recurrent KUGS 89.3FM Western Washington Univers Bellingham 206-676-2936 Recurrent KUPS 90.1 FM University of Puget Sound Tacoma 206-756-3144 Medium KWCW 90.5FM Whitman College Walla Walla 509-527-5285 Recurrent KZUU 90.7FM Washington State Universit Pullman 509-335-2208 Medium ** STATE/PROVINCE: Wisconsin ** KBLE 90.7CFM Gateway Technical Institut Kenosha 414-656-7201 Recurrent KUWS 91.3FM University of Wisconsin Superior 715-394-8530 Recurrent WAVE 107.3 FM Carthage College Kenosha 414-551-6508 Recurrent WBCR 90.3FM Beloit College Beloit 608-363-2402 Light WFPR U of Wisconsin Green Bay Light WLFM 91.1FM Lawrence University Appleton 414-832-6567 Light WMSE 91.7FM Milwaukee School of Engine Milwaukee 414-277-7247 Recurrent WMUR 750AM Marquette University Milwaukee 414-???-7541 Medium WORT 89.9FM Non-Commercial Community S Madison 608-256-2001 Recurrent WRFW 88.7FM U. of Wisconsin/River Fall River Falls (715)425-3886 #2 (LR) WRST 90.3FM U. of Wisconsin at Oshkosh Oshkosh 414-424-3113 Medium WSUP 90.5FM U. of Wisconsin at Plattev Platteville (608)342-1291 Medium WSUW 89.7FM U. of Wisconsin at Eau Cla Eau Claire 414-472-1312 #1 WTPS 107.3 FM Non-Commercial Community S Milwaukee 414-382-2596 Recurrent WWSP 89.9FM U. of Wisconsin at Stevens Stevens Port 715-346-3755 Medium WYRE 103.9CaFM U. of Wisconsin at Waukesh Waukesha 414-521-5201 Medium ** STATE/PROVINCE: West Virginia ** WMUL 88.1FM Marshall University Huntington 304-696-6640 Medium WSHC 88.1FM Shepherd College Shepherdstown 304-876-2511 Medium WWVU 91.7FM West Virginia University Morgantown 304-293-3329 Recurrent
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